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What is The Trope Teacher Option?

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Part of the Torah Readers Tikun Teacher is the specific "Trope Teacher" option. This is a unique set of features that aid in learning to read Trope correctly, pronounce Hebrew correctly and chant Torah perfectly.

The technical Details

First the technical details. If you don't like technical explanations, just skip this paragraph and move on to the "What it is section".

With Torah Readers Tikun Teacher, we have done something that has never before been done. We not only indexed every sentence of the Torah, we indexed every letter, every vowel and every trope symbol. In fact we did this twice, once for the texts with full Nikud and Trope and once more for the Torah view of the texts.

By indexing every letter, we now have a complete understanding of what trope is on what letter, what the adjacent trope symbols are and therefore what the trope patterns are for any selected word. Not only do we know trope patterns, but we also know what the vowels are on any word. This enables us to perform the cross highlighting between words on both sides of the text as well as highlight trope patterns and also highlight vowels.

What is Trope Teacher?

When in the Tikun view for any selected Torah text, just activate the "Trope Teacher" option on the menu bar. This is a toggle and therefore is either in the "on" state or the "off" state. Next select any word on the Nikkud side of the Torah text. A panel will pop up and you will hear a recording of the trope designation for the word, or if it's part of a trope pattern, you will be able to hear the recording for the complete pattern.

You will also see the cross highlighting of the Tikun view with the torah reading view. If you combine the Trope Teacher options with any of the highlighting options - such as highlighting the trope patterns, you will add additional power to your learning tools.

To cancel the interactive Trope Teacher options, just click the Trope Teacher button again to toggle it off.

What is the Future?

As time goes on, we will be refining and adding to the options available in the Tikun Teacher feature. This program is already well advanced beyond anything that is on the market today and it will only continue to get better over time. We are dedicated to investing in making this the most amazing and useful program out there. We want people to be using this - not for revenue reasons but for educational reasons, for the Mitzvah of Torah reading!



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